
Example usage
| image         = 
| caption       = 
| altname       = 
| term          = 
| spectrum      = 
| gender        = 
| attracted     = 
| attractedtype = 
| romance       = 
| sexuality     = 
| different     = 
  • The infobox will automatically show the name of the page. If you wish to display a different name, add the | title = parameter.
  1. image: Should be the flag or another immediately identifiable image regarding the article's topic.
  2. caption: Can be used to briefly describe the image. Can be left blank.
  3. altname: In case the article's topic is known under multiple names, list them here. Differentiate between the terms by using a comma.
    E.g.: Non-binary, enby, NB
  4. term: Indicate whether the topic of the page is a Gender, Gender expression, Sexuality, or Romantic orientation (case sensitive). This will automatically place the page in the corresponding category.
  5. spectrum: If the topic of the page is a more specific term in a larger spectrum, list the umbrella term.
  6. gender: For identifier(s) associated with gender(s), indicates the gender(s) of the people who have the identifier(s). Differentiate between multiple genders by using a new line and an asterisk.
    * Any
    * Men
    * Women
    * Non-binary
  7. attracted: For sexualities, this indicates the gender(s) that the identifier is attracted to.
    1. E.g.: All, two or more, men, women, etc.
  8. attractedtype: For sexualities, this indicates the types of attraction that may be felt by people with the identifier. Differentiate between the types by using a comma.
    1. E.g. Romantically, aesthetically, and/or platonically
  9. romance: For sexualities, this highlights the affiliated romanticism that is related to the sexuality.
  10. sexuality: For romantic orientations, this highlights the affiliated sexuality that is related to the orientation.
  11. different: This highlights the identities that are similar to but different from the topic of the page.
    1. E.g. Pansexuality on the page about bisexuality
Sample output
| image         = [[File:Site-logo.png]]
| caption       = Test
| altname       = Test, test
| term          = Test
| spectrum      = Test
| gender        = * Test
                  * Test
| attracted     = Test
| attractedtype = Test
| romance       = Test
| sexuality     = Test
| different     = Test

